# *** EEPROM ***
fteeprom.TestEeporm25Lc256v01(spiChannelNumber = 0, spiChipEnableNumber = 1, startAddress = 0x4100, testDataByte = 0x55)
However, RPi did not read back the 0x55 written to EEPROM. So I suspected the SPI cable might be faulty or SPI connection is somewhere broken.
So I fell back to Guzunty Pi and upload and tested gz_test, to make sure JTAG, CLK0, and SPI are still OK. The test gz_test run OK, but then I found that I made a big mistake - gz_test actually does not need SPI and could still run, because it a a passive frequency divider, it does not SPI talk to RPi.
In other words, gz_test still runs if SPI was faulty.
So I could not use GPi gz_test to test SPI OK or not.
So I went back to do SPI loop test.
# *****************************************************************************
# Module - fteeprom.py
# Description - SPI EEPROM
# *****************************************************************************
# fteeprom.py v2.0 tlfong01 2013jul03
# *****************************************************************************
# Imports
# *****************************************************************************
import time
import spidev
import ftspi
import ftprint
# *****************************************************************************
# Constants and variables
# *****************************************************************************
# *****************************************************************************
# Function - TestWriteReadEepormDataByte()
# Version - v1.2 tlfong01 2013may29
# Description - Write 1 data byte then read back
# Sample call - fteeprom.TestWriteReadEepromDataByte(spiChannelNumber = 0,
# spiChipEnableNumber = 1, startAddress = 0x4100,
# testDataByte = 0x55)
# Sample output -
# *** Start Test 25LC256 ***
# Write data byte = 0x55
# Read data byte = 0x55
# *** Stop Test 25LC256 ***
# *****************************************************************************
def TestEeporm25Lc256v01(spiChannelNumber, spiChipEnableNumber, startAddress, testDataByte):
ftprint.PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start Test 25LC256 ***")
spiChannel = spidev.SpiDev()
spiChannel.open(spiChannelNumber, spiChipEnableNumber)
WriteEepromDataByte(spiChannel, startAddress, testDataByte)
print "Write data byte = ", hex(testDataByte)
readBackDataByte = ReadEepromDataByte(spiChannel, startAddress)
print "Read data byte = ", hex(readBackDataByte)
ftprint.PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Stop Test 25LC256 ***")
# *****************************************************************************
# Basic functions
# *****************************************************************************
def WriteEepromDataByte(spiChannel, startAddress, dataByte): # v1.1 tlfong01 2013may21
EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable = 0x06
EepromCommandWrite = 0x02
FiveMilliSeconds = 0.005
startAddressUpper = startAddress >> 8
startAddressLower = startAddress & 0x00ff
ftspi.SpiWrite(spiChannel, [EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable])
ftspi.SpiWrite(spiChannel, [EepromCommandWrite, startAddressUpper, startAddressLower, dataByte])
def ReadEepromDataByte(spiChannel, startAddress): # v1.1 tlfong01 2013may21
EepromCommandRead = 0x03
FiveMilliSeconds = 0.005
DummyDataByte = 0x00
readSpiDataList = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
startAddressUpper = startAddress >> 8
startAddressLower = startAddress & 0x00ff
readSpiDataList = ftspi.SpiWrite(spiChannel, [EepromCommandRead, startAddressUpper, startAddressLower, DummyDataByte])
dataByte = readSpiDataList[3]
return dataByte
def WriteReadEepromDateByte(spiChannel, startAddress, testDataByte): # v1.1 tlfong01 2013may21
testDataByte = 0x34
testStartAddress = 0x0411
WriteEepromDataByte(spiChannel, startAddress, dataByte)
print "Write data byte = ", hex(testDataByte)
readBackDataByte = ReadEepromDataByte(spiChannel, startAddress)
print "Read data byte = ", hex(readBackDataByte)
# *****************************************************************************
# Old functions
# *****************************************************************************
def TestMcp23S17SpiSlaveSelector01(mcp23S17Address, eepromSubAddress, testStartAddress, testDataByte):
# *** Set up SPI channel 00 for MCP23S17, channel 01 for EEPROM 25LC256 ***
SpiChannel0 = 0
SpiChipEnable0 = 0
SpiChipEnable1 = 1
Mcp23s17SubAddress0 = 0
spiChannel00 = spidev.SpiDev()
spiChannel00.open(SpiChannel0, SpiChipEnable0)
spiChannel01 = spidev.SpiDev()
spiChannel01.open(SpiChannel0, SpiChipEnable1)
# *** Set up MCP23s17 Port A all out to drive HC137 #1, Port B to drive 2 74HC137 #2 ***
All8pinOutput = 0x00
SetupMcp23s17Ports(spiChannel00, Mcp23s17SubAddress0, All8pinOutput, All8pinOutput)
# *** Select EEPROM 25LC256 ***
SelectSpiSlave(spiChannel00, Mcp23s17SubAddress0, eepromSubAddress)
# *** Write Eeprom ***
WriteEepromDataByte(spiChannel01, startAddress = testStartAddress, dataByte = testDataByte)
print "Write data byte = ", hex(testDataByte)
# *** Read Eeprom ***
readBackDataByte = ReadEepromDataByte(spiChannel01, startAddress = testStartAddress)
print "Read data byte = ", hex(readBackDataByte)
# *** Close SPI channel ***
def TestMcp23s17MultipleSlaveDevices(mcp23s17SubAddress, eepromSubAddress1, eepromSubAddress2):
# *** Set up SPI channel 00 for MCP23S17, channel 01 for EEPROM 25LC256 ***
SpiChannel0 = 0
SpiChipEnable0 = 0
SpiChipEnable1 = 1
Mcp23s17SubAddress0 = 0
spiChannel00 = spidev.SpiDev()
spiChannel00.open(SpiChannel0, SpiChipEnable0)
spiChannel01 = spidev.SpiDev()
spiChannel01.open(SpiChannel0, SpiChipEnable1)
# *** Set up MCP23s17 Port A all out to drive HC137 #1, Port B to drive 2 74HC137 #2 ***
All8pinOutput = 0x00
SetupMcp23s17Ports(spiChannel00, mcp23s17SubAddress, All8pinOutput, All8pinOutput)
SelectHC137PortA = 0x20 # Bits 4,5 = HC137 pins 5,6 = 0,1 selects chip
WriteDataByteMcp23s17(spiChannel00, mcp23s17SubAddress, RegisterAddressArrayMcp23s17, OutputLatchIndex, PortA, SelectHC137PortA)
PrintEightBitPattern(" SelectHC137PortA = ", SelectHC137PortA)
print "Now select chip, then hold ..."
while True:
# *** Test EEPROM #1 ***
# *** Select EEPROM 25LC256 #1 ***
SelectSpiSlave(spiChannel00, mcp23s17SubAddress, eepromSubAddress1)
# *** Write Eeprom ***
testDataByte = 0x51
testStartAddress = 0x0411
WriteEepromDataByte(spiChannel01, startAddress = testStartAddress, dataByte = testDataByte)
print "Write data byte = ", hex(testDataByte)
# *** Read Eeprom ***
readBackDataByte = ReadEepromDataByte(spiChannel01, startAddress = testStartAddress)
print "Read data byte = ", hex(readBackDataByte)
# *** Test EEPROM #2 ***
# *** Select EEPROM 25LC256 #2 ***
SelectSpiSlave(spiChannel00, mcp23s17SubAddress, eepromSubAddress2)
# *** Write Eeprom ***
testDataByte = 0x34
testStartAddress = 0x0411
WriteEepromDataByte(spiChannel01, startAddress = testStartAddress, dataByte = testDataByte)
print "Write data byte = ", hex(testDataByte)
# *** Read Eeprom ***
readBackDataByte = ReadEepromDataByte(spiChannel01, startAddress = testStartAddress)
print "Read data byte = ", hex(readBackDataByte)
# *** Close SPI channel ***
def Test25Lc256():
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start testing 25LC256 ***")
# *** Set up SPI channel ***
# import spidev # WiringPi Python wrapper
# spidev.max_speed_hz = 10000 # seems no effect, clock always 2 MHz !!!
spiEeprom = spidev.SpiDev()
# spiEeprom.open(0, 0)
spiEeprom.open(0, 1)
# *** 25LC256 instructions ***
EepromCommandWriteStatusRegister = 0x01
EepromcCommandWrite = 0x02
EePromCommandRead = 0x03
EepromCommandWriteLatchDisable = 0x04
EepromCommandReadStatusRegister = 0x05
EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable = 0x06
# *** 25LC256 addresses ***
#EepromStartAddress0= 0x0000
#EepromStartAddressUpper0 = 0x00
#EepromStartAddressLower0 = 0x00
EepromStartAddress1= 0x0300
EepromStartAddressUpper1 = 0x03
EepromStartAddressLower1 = 0x00
# *** SPI variables and constants ***
writeSpiDataList = [0x00]
readSpiDataList = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
DummyDataByte = 0x00
TestDataByte55 = 0x55
TestDataByteAa = 0xaa
WriteProtectNone = 0x00 # -
WriteProtectUpperFourth = 0x04 # 0x6000 to 0x7fff
WriteProtectUpperHalf = 0x08 # 0x4000 to 0x7fff
WriteProtectAll = 0x0c # 0x0000 to 0x7fff
FiveMilliSeconds = 0.005
# *** Enable Write Enable Latch ***
# while True:
# ********************************************************
# spiEeprom.xfer2([EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable])
#SpiWrite(spiEeprom.xfer2, [EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable])
SpiWrite(spiEeprom, [EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable])
# *** Read Status Register ***
readSpiDataList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WEL bit after Write Enable ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readSpiDataList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readSpiDataList[1])
# *** Disable Write Enable Latch ***
# *** Check WEL (Write Enable Latch) bit (Bit 1) ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WEL bit after Write Disable ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Write Enable ***
# *** Check WEL (Write Enable Latch) bit (Bit 1) ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WEL bit after Write Enable ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Write protect upper fourth ****
spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandWriteStatusRegister, WriteProtectUpperFourth])
# *** Check Status Register ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking Write Protect Bits ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Write Enable ***
# *** Write protect none ****
spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandWriteStatusRegister, WriteProtectNone])
# *** Check Status Register ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking Write Protect Bits ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Write Enable ***
# *** Write 2 data bytes at address 0x0300 ****
# while True:
spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromcCommandWrite, EepromStartAddressUpper1, EepromStartAddressLower1, TestDataByte55, TestDataByte55])
# *** Check WIP (Write In Progress) bit (Bit 0) ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WIP bit immediately after writing 1 byte without waiting 5 mS ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Check WIP (Write In Progress) bit (Bit 0) ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WIP bit again, after waiting 5 mS ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Enable Write Enable Latch ***
# *** Read back data at address 0x0000 ***
#while True:
readSpiDataList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EePromCommandRead, EepromStartAddressUpper1, EepromStartAddressLower1, DummyDataByte, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Read back data byte written ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readSpiDataList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readSpiDataList[1])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 2 = ", readSpiDataList[2])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 3 = ", readSpiDataList[3])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 4 = ", readSpiDataList[4])
# *** Write Enable ***
# *** Write 2 data bytes at address 0x0000 ****
spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromcCommandWrite, EepromStartAddressUpper1, EepromStartAddressLower1, TestDataByteAa, TestDataByteAa])
# *** Check WIP (Write In Progress) bit (Bit 0) ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WIP bit immediately after writing 1 byte without waiting 5 mS ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Check WIP (Write In Progress) bit (Bit 0) ***
readInByteList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WIP bit again, after waiting 5 mS ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
# *** Enable Write Enable Latch ***
# *** Read back data at address 0x0000 ***
readSpiDataList = spiEeprom.xfer2([EePromCommandRead, EepromStartAddressUpper1, EepromStartAddressLower1, DummyDataByte, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Read back data byte written ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readSpiDataList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readSpiDataList[1])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 2 = ", readSpiDataList[2])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 3 = ", readSpiDataList[3])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 4 = ", readSpiDataList[4])
# *** Close SPI channel ***
#while True:
# pass
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Stop testing write/read 25LC256 ***")
def Write25Lc256(spiChannel, channelNumber, chipEnableNumber, dataByte):
spiChannel.open(channelNumber, chipEnableNumber)
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start writing 25LC256 ***")
# *** 25LC256 instructions ***
EepromCommandWriteStatusRegister = 0x01
EepromcCommandWrite = 0x02
EePromCommandRead = 0x03
EepromCommandWriteLatchDisable = 0x04
EepromCommandReadStatusRegister = 0x05
EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable = 0x06
# *** 25LC256 addresses ***
EepromStartAddress1= 0x0300
EepromStartAddressUpper1 = 0x03
EepromStartAddressLower1 = 0x00
# *** SPI variables and constants ***
writeSpiDataList = [dataByte]
readSpiDataList = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
DummyDataByte = 0x00
TestDataByte55 = 0x55
TestDataByteAa = 0xaa
WriteProtectNone = 0x00 # -
WriteProtectUpperFourth = 0x04 # 0x6000 to 0x7fff
WriteProtectUpperHalf = 0x08 # 0x4000 to 0x7fff
WriteProtectAll = 0x0c # 0x0000 to 0x7fff
FiveMilliSeconds = 0.005
SpiWrite(spiChannel, [EePromCommandWriteLatchEnable])
# *** Write 2 data bytes at address 0x0000 ****
spiChannel.xfer2([EepromcCommandWrite, EepromStartAddressUpper1, EepromStartAddressLower1, dataByte, dataByte])
# *** Read Status Register ***
readSpiDataList = spiChannel.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WEL bit after Write Enable ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readSpiDataList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readSpiDataList[1])
# *** Disable Write Enable Latch ***
# *** Check WEL (Write Enable Latch) bit (Bit 1) ***
readInByteList = spiChannel.xfer2([EepromCommandReadStatusRegister, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Checking WEL bit after Write Disable ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readInByteList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readInByteList[1])
def Read25Lc256DataByte(spiChannel, channelNumber, chipEnableNumber, eepromStartAddress):
spiChannel.open(channelNumber, chipEnableNumber)
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Start reading 25LC256 ***")
# *** 25LC256 instructions ***
EePromCommandRead = 0x03
eepromStartAddressUpper = eepromStartAddress >> 8
eepromStartAddressLower = eepromStartAddress & 0x00ff
# *** SPI variables and constants ***
readSpiDataList = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
DummyDataByte = 0x00
# *** Read back data at address 0x0000 ***
readSpiDataList = spiChannel.xfer2([EePromCommandRead, eepromStartAddressUpper, eepromStartAddressLower, DummyDataByte])
PrintDoubleSpaceLine("*** Read back data byte written ***")
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 0 = ", readSpiDataList[0])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 1 = ", readSpiDataList[1])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 2 = ", readSpiDataList[2])
PrintEightBitPattern("Read back byte 3 = ", readSpiDataList[3])
dataByte = readSpiDataList[3]
return dataByte
# .END
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