Sunday, 7 July 2013

Keil uVision LPC111xx startup files etc

Description of the LPC11xx Example Software Package, NXP Semiconductor


The Description of the Example software

This example demonstrates the use of build-in peripherals on the NXP
LPC11xx family microcontrollers.

The Example software includes, common library, peripheral APIs, and test modules
for the APIs. 

The common library include startup file, standard definition and
header files, processor specific setup module, generic interrupt related APIs, 
timer routine. 

The peripheral directories include, ADC, GPIO, timer, SPI, I2C, 
Watchdog timer, UART, external interrupt, various USB class drivers ,etc.

Depending on the configuration of LPC11xx, it may include a CAN controller
or a USB Device controller, or none of them. The header file of register 
definition, LPC11xx.h, the clock configuration, and the NVIC APIs, includes 
both CAN and USB, but may not apply to the MCU you are using.
The development environment is Keil's, an ARM company now, uVision MDK 3.85 
or later, and ULINK2 ICE. The target boards is NXP Internal Eval board with 
LPC11xx MCU on it.

Please note that, the latest Keil MDK may or may not include the startup file, 
the header files, and Cortex related API files for NVIC and Systick driver. These 
files are also included in our common library. If the users wish not to use Keil 
MDK, the compiler needs to: 

  (1) set up the include path to COMMON/INC

  (2) change #include <lpc11xx.h> to "#include "lpc11xx.h" where is located
under COMMON/INC directory. 

  (3) Add "core_cm0.c" from COMMON/SRC into your own project.

The project is created for both target option "FLASH(Release)" and "RAM(Debug)". 
For "FLASH", the image code can be programmed into the flash and executed;
for "RAM", the image code can be loaded into internal SRAM(IRAM)
for easy debugging. The "RAM.ini" in each directory is a Keil uVision debugger
script file, once the debugger starts, the code will be loaded to the IRAM
first, then, "RAM.ini" will be executed and reset program counter(PC) to 
0x10000000(IRAM starting address) that code will be executed from.

For Flash Update, a FLM file for Keil MDK built-n flash utility is included if 
the revision of Keil MDK you have doesn't support LPC11xx yet. If the LPC11xx 
is not listed in the Keil MDK Device Database, choose "Cortex M0" as shown in 
our example project file, then, copy the file "LPC_IAP_CD0_32.FLM" from Sample Code
Bundle Root directory to "C:\Keil\ARM\Flash". Now, you go to "Options/Utilities/Flash 
Programming Setting", add "LPC114x IAP 32kB Flash" from a list of flash algorithm,
and use the Keil Built-in flash utility to program the flash.

Some external components, such as I2C temperature, SPI serial EEPROM, will be 
required to add on the board in order to complete the test below.

Known problems: 

    (1) Keil MDK configuration Wizard has not been tested for Clock configuration.

    (2) When using Flash download, at the end of the flash update, GUI shows
"Error: Flash download failed, Cortex M0". although, the flash has been updated
correctly. So, this message should be ignored. It depends on the revision of the
Keil MDK you use. For MDK with LPC11xx support, this shouldn't be an issue.

The directory tree and content of the sample software

    -- inc
-- lpc11xx.h CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header 
File for NXP LPC11xx Device Series 
-- core_cm0.h CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header 
-- system_LPC11xx.h CMSIS Cortex-M0 Device Peripheral Access Layer 
                                Header File for the NXP LPC11xx Device Series
-- type.h Type definition Header file for NXP LPC11xx Family
-- systick.h Cortex M0 Systemtick header and definition 
-- gpio.h GPIO setting and I/O pin connfigured as external 
                                interrupt definition
-- uart.h UART setting header and definiton
-- timer16.h 16-bit TIMER setting header and definition
-- timer32.h 32-bit TIMER setting header and definition
-- clkconfig.h          clock configuration header and definition  

    -- src
-- core_cm0.c CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Peripheral Access Layer Source 
-- startup_LPC11xx.s CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Device Startup File 
            for the NXP LPC11xx Device Series
-- system_LPC11xx.c CMSIS Cortex-M0 Device Peripheral Access Layer 
                                Source File for the NXP LPC11xx Device Series
-- gpio.c GPIO setting APIs and I/O pin connfigured as 
                                external interrupt and interrupt handler
-- uart.c UART setting API and interrupt handler
-- timer16.c 16-bit TIMER setting APIs and interrupt handler
-- timer32.c 32-bit TIMER setting APIs and interrupt handler
-- clkconfig.c Misc. clock configuration setting and APIs in 
                                addition to system_lpc11xx.c  

    -- blinky.c General test, GPIO, Timer and NVIC test module, 
API modules are in the COMMON directory and 
shared and used by some other peripheral testing.
    -- blinky.uvproj uVision 4.x project file    

    -- adc.h ADC header
    -- adc.c ADC APIs
    -- adctest.c ADC controller test module
    -- adc.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- gpiotest.c External interrupt test module, APIs are 
from COMMON directory
    -- gpio.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- systick.c ARM Cortext M0 Core system tick test module, APIs 
are from COMMON directory
    -- systick.uvproj uVision 4.x project file
    -- i2c.h I2C header
    -- i2c.c I2C APIs
    -- i2ctest.c I2C test module
    -- i2ctest.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- i2cslave.h I2C slave header
    -- i2cslave.c I2C slave APIs
    -- i2cslvtst.c I2C slave test module
    -- i2cslave.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- timer32test.c 32-bit Timer test module, note: API modules
are in the COMMON directory and 
shared and used by some other peripheral testing.
    -- timer32.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- pwmtest.c PWM test module, note: PWM API modules
are in the COMMON directory, shared and used 
by some other peripheral testing.
    -- pwm.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- uarttest.c UART test module, note: UART API modules
are in the COMMON directory, shared and used 
by some other peripheral testing.
    -- uart.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- rs485.h RS485 header
    -- rs485.c RS485 APIs
    -- rs485test.c RS485 test module
    -- rs485.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- wdt.h Watchdog timer header
    -- wdt.c Watchdog timer APIs
    -- wdttest.c Watchdog timer test module
    -- wdt.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

    -- can.h CAN header
    -- can.c CAN APIs
    -- cantest.c CAN test module
    -- can.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

CAN on_chip
    -- rom_driver_CAN.h CAN on-chip API function header
    -- rom_drivers.h ROM drivers header
    -- main.c CAN on-chip test module
    -- CAN on_chip.uvproj uVision 4.x project file

CANopen on_chip
    -- rom_driver_CAN.h CAN on-chip API function header
    -- rom_drivers.h ROM drivers header
    -- main.c CAN on-chip test module
    -- CANopen on_chip.uvproj uVision 4.x proje


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